An Interview with Clara Bouch

When did you first become interested in playing music?

Music has been close to my heart for as long as I remember, but I remember feeling a special connection with music at 6 years old when I composed some pieces on the piano for the first time. I knew from then on that it would always be a part of my life. 

How long have you been teaching music?

I started teaching piano about 6 years ago in high school. 

What is your favourite part of teaching music?

Probably the connection I get to make with my students. I love getting to know them and helping them learn all about the beautiful world of music! I especially love when kids start to let down their guard after a number of lessons and start seeing me as a mentor AND a friend. It is so rewarding seeing God use my love for kids and music together!

What is your favourite part of playing music?

Gosh, I have been so blessed to have experienced playing music in so many different mediums, on so many different stages, and across the world in many different countries. But there is something thrilling and breathtaking about performing alongside a large group of peers who have a united passion and mission for their music. In 2018, I participated in the National Youth Orchestra of the United States’ tour across Asia and our last concert was in Daejeon, South Korea. We played our hearts out for that concert and I will never forget crying as we played our last notes together and looking around and seeing all of my friends and our conductor, Michael Tilson Thomas, crying too. 

What do you hope to be doing musically in the next 5-10 years?

Oooh I love this question! Hopefully composing more music and having that music be released into the world! At heart, I’m a creator and I can’t wait to see all of the beautiful projects and people God leads me to as I continue my journey with music. 

Who is your inspirational BEAUTY? (male or female)

Lynette Lewis is a woman of God I have looked up to since I was little! Hearing her speak put the desire in my heart as a young girl to be a speaker one day too. She walks with such authority, grace, and steadfastness in the Lord and I pray that God develops me into a woman like that as well! 

What are a few fun facts about yourself that our readers would enjoy?

I have a huge passion for Asian culture and hope to live in Asia one day! (And yes, bring on the glorious, spicy food!) 

I struggle to remember people’s faces sometimes, but I’m really good at remembering and recognizing voices! 

When I first got Covid in 2020 and lost my sense of taste and smell, I decided to take the opportunity to eat really weird food combinations. Mustard and oatmeal together almost worked, except I could still taste the salt some, so I just ended up with salty oatmeal. 


An Interview with Jennifer Bouch