Sophia Bonasso
Inspirations For Father’s Day
In the beautiful month of June we celebrate Father’s Day. in recognition of this, we have asked a young woman to share the impact her father has had in her life.
1. Tell our readers a little about yourself…include a few interesting facts about who you are.
Hi! My name is Sophia Bonasso. I am 18 years old and am from Memphis, Tennessee. I just graduated high school and will be attending Pace University in NYC in the fall to earn my BFA in Musical Theater. I have celiac disease, so I can’t eat gluten or dairy, but I love living a healthy lifestyle! My favorite allergy-friendly food is vegan GF enchiladas. My favorite dessert is vegan chocolate with almond milk!
2. When did you first become interested in the performing arts?
I first became interested in the performing arts as soon as I was able to talk. My mom put me into dance and voice lessons when I was five, and I immediately fell in love.
3. What is your favorite part about the performing arts?
My favorite thing about the arts is that I can express myself in a way that goes beyond words. I get to show my talent through music and movement. And I can Connect with people in an artistic way.
4. What do you hope to be doing in 5-10 years?
My dream after college is to be a working actress on Broadway and eventually move to California to pursue film and TV.