Photo by Illia Panasenko @ipanasenko via Unsplash
Father’s Day
In the United States, June is the month that we celebrate and honor fathers. Although the role of a father in the American family has changed culturally from when I was a child, there are still some foundational elements that will always be present in the definition of fatherhood. I believe this to be true because our Father God has defined these basic aspects as part of His character towards us as His children.
Foundationally, a father has an innate sense of responsibility to protect and provide for his family. While this has to be exemplified, encouraged, and trained in a maturing young man, the inherent desire and ability can be seen at a young age. I see this in my grandsons as they develop a sense of pride in being able to protect their mothers, sisters, cousins, and Grandma as they grow, and in how they dream of one day bringing provision.
In the Bible, Jesus identifies with God as His Father and describes Him as our Father. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He told them to address God as “our Father.” "Give us this day our daily bread” and “deliver us from evil” are provision and protection.
In the Old Testament, we see the attributes of God as our protector and provider played out over and over in the story of the Jewish nation being formed as His people. He wants them to ask Him and trust Him to protect and provide for them as He leads them through the challenges and storms of learning obedience to His ways and words. This is true not only for them as a nation (His family), but also as individuals (His sons and daughters).
Jesus, as God's expressed image on this earth, also showed us how the Father God provided for the disciples and the multitudes, and protected them even as He was going to the cross.
The lives of the believers displayed in the Epistles show that our Father continued to provide and protect congregations and individuals through the Holy Spirit and the power of the Word after Jesus was crucified, resurrected, and ascended to heaven. Today, our Father in the same way continues to lead us, and in our obedience, protect and provide for us. (In July we will look at the amazing testimony of how He did this for one woman and her family.)
I am grateful that the Bible has given us such a wonderful understanding of what it means to protect and provide, and that fathers today can care for their families in these two specific ways. I am grateful as well for my father, my husband, and my sons-in-laws. Grateful for their desire and diligence to be godly examples of these attributes to the next generation of fathers.
Happy Fathers Day