Jody Senna - Home and Garden
One of my dreams is to own a bed and breakfast out in the country. I’d fill it with comfy beds, crunchy chintz-covered chairs and invite you to come stay. You could join me in my organic garden as we picked fresh herbs and veggies to go into the morning’s meal. We’d talk about how you’re doing as we sipped our coffee out by the barn; how your children are growing and what crafts you’re doing and what you’re making for this year’s Thanksgiving feast.
I’d tell you how God repurposed my life like a piece of fine furniture that He found at a flea market. He knew it had potential and just needed some coarse grit sanding and a good dose of TLC. I’d tell you how He took me from one state to another and placed a 7 month old grand-bit of purpose into my lap. My darling Annie.
Then I’d tell you about what I’m learning as the parent of an elementary age child though I’m in my 60s; the joys and tears of helping women in their 30s as they raise their children and the grace that comes with doing this the second time around.
We’d share our favorite recipes with each other, and I’d gladly share my tricks and tips for your home, health, and your heart. And most of all I’d share with you how much God loves you and how He gave you amazing talents to use for His honor. Then we’d sit and plan how you’re going to take the gift’s He’s given you to find the fulfillment for which you’ve been longing.