by Karen Bonasso
God made you and all of mankind in His image. In Genesis, we understand that God was very purposeful about making the earth and all that is in it. He details the creation of a man and a woman.(Gen 1& 2) It is quite evident from this that God’s intention for mankind is that both men and women are necessary for life to be successful and fulfilling here on earth.
Embracing and enjoying the fact that we are women is important in the eyes of our Creator, our loving God. This is different from having our identity in God (which we read about in the section on Being). Mankind (men and women) are made in the image of God. This is an incredible truth to ponder. When God created us, His desire was for us to have deep fellowship with Him. He has never given up on this goal. He sent His Son to die for us, and His Son obeyed because of God’s never ending love for us. He has sent us His Holy Spirit, as He promised, to be with us forever. (John 14:15) He asks us to be His ambassadors of love on this earth. The importance of you, your life on this earth is staggering! This may sound grandiose, yet consider the following examples: The poor widow who put her 2 small copper coins in the offering. (Luke21:2) The young shepherd who wrote songs to God that God preserved forever. (Psalms) The young slave girl who told her master about the prophet that could heal him. (2 Kings 5:3) The women who supported Jesus and His disciples. (Luke 8:3) The young widow who left her homeland to take care of her mother-in-law. (Ruth1:16) The fishermen that left their overflowing catch to become “fishers of men”. (Luke 5:11)
The Bible is full of examples such as these. People just like you and me, whose actions have become inspirational to generations of people.
Everyone from my newest, yet to be born grandchild to my 85 year old parents are all part of who I am today. There are also the memories of those that have passed on. The people they were here on earth still influences my choices today. {Take a moment to consider all the people who have been a part of who you are, how they have influenced the way in which you are living your life today.}
It was God’s love that created you, and it is His love that sustains you. He wants your life to inspire others to draw close to Him, to love Him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love others. It is His design to use you to be a light to the world.
You can do this by being who God made you to be, loving the things He intends for you to love, impacting the people He puts in your path, and sowing the seeds He gives you into the fields or pots that He places before you. You can influence individuals and generations. You can change the world around you!
Being Earnestly And Ultimately Totally You is a simple way to live. It’s tremendously freeing when you understand that all you have to do is to be You.
I hope, in this next year, you will be inspired to be your best BEAUTY!
by Karen Bonasso
Blog Photo Aleesha Wood via Unsplash