An Interview with Amber Bonasso

  1. When did you first become interested in pursuing Teaching?

    I can’t even remember when I first became interested in Teaching. I have been playing “teacher” and teaching children since as far back as I can remember. It took me a while to find what exactly I was interested in teaching, but I have been teaching now in a professional capacity for nearly a decade. When I began teaching at a highschool conservatory in 2011, I started to realize how much I loved teaching theater related subjects, and since that point I have had the opportunity to teach theater at every level of education including college. I am very skilled at interpreting concepts in a way that people of all ages can find their way into understanding them. It’s something that I think is part of my gifting.

  2. How long have you been Teaching

    I have been involved professionally for almost a decade.

  3. What is your favorite part of Teaching?

    My favorite part of teaching is the students. I love watching them come to revelations about things. I love seeing the lights go on and seeing the world through their eyes.

  4. Who is your inspirational B.E.A.U.T.Y.?

    My inspiration BEAUTY is my mother. Growing up she always used to sit and talk with us about whatever we wanted to know about. I have always remembered that .

  5. Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years?

    I used to say that I saw myself teaching on the college level as a full tenured professor. However, I have a teaching position right now that I really love and I could definitely see myself staying at this one for the next 5 years. Which means I would be staying in Texas - I never thought I would be living here! But God moves in strange and wonderful ways. I hope to have a couple little people of my own.

Image by Retro Splash via Unsplash


Inspirations on Teaching