An Interview with Kimberley Sasan

1. When did you first become interested in Ministry?

At a very young age I remember thinking to myself, “There will be no other life for me but this!” I’m so thankful for the men and women around me who lead by example. Their lives, dedicated to the ministry of the Gospel, were so full of purpose and passion, and there was something very exciting to me about the way they lived.

2. How long have you been involved in Ministry?

I remember arriving early at church one Sunday morning when I was 15 (I even remember what I was wearing!). It was the first time I was officially a vocalist on the worship team and it definitively felt like the beginning of something significant to me. Nearly 25 years since that moment, and I feel the call of God in my life as clearly as I did then.

3. What is your favorite part of Ministry?

My favorite part about ministry is the people. People are my passion, and sharing the love of God with them is a feeling like none other!

4. Who is your inspirational BEAUTY?

Many individuals have inspired me through the years. As God has led me to different places, I have met so many wonderfully inspirational people along the way. In my life right now is a woman who loves God with all her heart and speaks with great faith and conviction. She encourages those around her with so much love and kindness, and she’s so certain of God’s goodness even in the midst of her very challenging circumstances. She is such an inspiration to me in the way that she clings to the promises in God’s word as she prays daily for the salvation of her husband and children.

5. Where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years?

Ten years from now, I hope to see the fulfillment of the dreams God put in my heart many years ago. Thank God that in His goodness He always has more for us, and He WILL fulfill His promises!

Image by Retro Splash via Unsplash


Inspirations on “Ministry”(Part1)