Reflection of Unconditional Love
Mother and Son by Fritz Zuber-Buhler
“There is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother...It is neither to be chilled by selfishness, nor daunted by danger...She will sacrifice every comfort to his convenience; she will surrender every pleasure to his enjoyment; she will glory in his fame and exalt in his prosperity; and if adversity overtake him, he will be the dearer to her by misfortune; and if disgrace settle upon his name, she will still love and cherish him; and if all the world beside cast him off, she will be all the world to him.”
Today we are grateful for the mothers who so beautifully reflect the unconditional love of Christ.
In this portrait, the mother is in the middle of sowing, but she stops what she is doing to give her child attention and, in turn, receives a kiss on the cheek. A representation of when Irvine says, “…she will sacrifice every comfort to his [the child’s] convenience…she will be all the world to him.”
In the same way, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us so that we may experience the power of His unconditional love and the fullness of a life that comes from making Him “all the world” to us.