Photo by Karen Bonasso

Inspirations on New Beginnings

Spring is the season of new beginnings for nature.

The spring “ green” that covers the tree limbs is so bright and full of the promise of the abundance that is to come.

But for Spring to be a beginning something had to have ended. The season of Winter has to end.

Change and new beginnings always mean that an end has happened. A completion of something has happened.

If we don’t like change it is usually because we are anxious about the “end” or the “beginning” of the time or issue that is changing. If we are anticipating a change we are often impatient that the new beginning has not arrived. Or maybe we can even start to think it will never arrive.

Kimberley writes about this in Blog 1 [below]

If we a dreading that change, we are fearful of any indication that the new beginning is on its way. But like any good book or movie, It is the protagonist’s navigation of change, the “ends” and “beginnings”, that makes the ending of the story so compelling.

Candice writes about this in blog 2 [below]

Jesus says in the Gospel of John that He has come to give us abundant life. That abundant life comes immediately as we accept the redemption of our soul that He procured through His death and Resurrection. This abundant life also comes to us like the season of Spring. Slowly, yet quietly obvious, that change occurs in our hearts and soon permeates, with abundance of fullness, every area of our life.

In the Book of Revelations, Jesus tells His own to “remember” their first moment of love with Him. To remember the first time you entered into His eternal love and that love caused a change that opened your eyes to His abundant life for you. Every Spring the rebirth of nature reminds me of God’s incredible ability to make all things new. And I find myself deeply in His presence with great anticipation for what is to come… on the earth and in my life with Him!