Interesting Facts

about Kimberley Sasan

1. I wear pefume everyday, morning and night. One of my favorites came to me all the way from Harrods of London.

2. My biggest pet peeve is emptying the dishwasher. It’s probably because I’m 5’ tall in a good pair of heels so I barely reach the shelves. I’ll never know why cabinets have to be so high.

3. To get to the nearest Target, I have to take a boat. I never imagined I’d say that!

4. I drink about 6-8 cups of tea each day starting around noo. Summer or winter, I drink it hot! It mustt be hot! I’m currently enjoying a variety of green teas.

5. I star craving my morning coffee at about 9pm the night before. I rarely eat breakfast, but I must have coffee!


Inspirations on Ministry(Part 3)