The Mother who Perseveres

The New Baby Event by Evert Pieters

“They say that man is might,

He governs land and sea,

He wields a mighty scepter,

O'er lesser powers that be,

But a mightier power and stronger,

Man from his throne has hurled,

For the hand that rocks the cradle,

Is the hand that rocks the world.”

By American Poet William Ross Wallace

Today we honor the mother who perseveres. It is so telling that the mother in the image above has a plate of food on her lap. This is representative of the fact that a mother’s life is often one of multitasking. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, or somewhere in between, one thing i true - motherhood is challenging and often isolating in its struggles. But be encouraged in that God sees your efforts, and the seeds of perseverance you sow will reap a reward that extends to generations. As Wallace puts it, “The hand that rocks the cradle….rocks the world.”


The Compassionate Mother


The Adoptive Mother